REMINDER: Entries for the State Multi Event Championships close on MONDAY 7th January at 6:00 pm. NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED.
Please note the conditions of entry:
Entry is open to all LATas registered athletes from the Under 9 to Under 15 age groups.
Athletes must have completed 25 events prior to the closing date of entries (Monday 7th January 2019).
Further details can be found on Page 12 of your Information Manual.
Full club uniform is to be worn.
Cost per entry is $15 per person.
Note that Under 13/14/15 athletes compete over 2 days (Sat 19/1 from 5pm and Sun 20/1 from 10am). Under 9-12 athletes only compete on Sunday 20/1 from 10am.
To register go to the following link and log in using the Username/Password used to register at the start of the season. If you have already registered please use the following link to confirm entry.
If you believe you have registered but your details are not showing up on the confirmed entry list, please contact the LATas Office you have any questions regarding the entry process or the event itself, please direct them to the Competition Director, Brett Johnstone at or on 0408 127 386).
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